Friday, July 6, 2012

UN News: Jackie Chan helps to combat child trafficking

Jackie Chan, the Chinese action-film star and UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) Goodwill Ambassador since 2004, is this week in Myanmar to help United Nations efforts to combat child trafficking in the country. 
He said: “Trafficking and exploiting children are horrific crimes. They leave lifelong scars and rob children of their childhoods.” Also “Children are not for sale. For the sake the world's children, we must work hard to stamp out these damaging and criminal practices.” 
During these days in Myanmar, Jackie Chan will visit a vocational training center for trafficked children who have managed to return to their homes but are in need of special care and support. He will also travel to UNICEF-supported projects assisting children at risk of being trafficked, including those without parental care and children who are living and working on the street. 
But how they can effectively combat trafficking? This question has to be discussed with Myanmar´s Ministry of Social Welfare and with members of the anti-trafficking police task force. Also “It is very important that young people know how to protect themselves,” said Mr. Chan. “Simple things, like knowing not to trust anyone who promises you a dream job in another country; never going to an unknown place alone; knowing your parents and your own full name and age; and being able to explain where you live, help children guard against traffickers.”

But can this visit of an important person change anything? Or is it only an interest of Jackie Chan to increase his own popularity?  What do you think? Share your opinion!


1 comment:

  1. To increase his own what? this is so funny. I do believe in Jackie Chan, he most certainly wants to change everything - he is not seeking attention american pop star. ella reeeeeeeeee
